FEATURES/AMENITIES•30- meter wide main road•Underground utilities for power, cable & telephone lines•Well-secured community•Adequate water supply & excellent drainage facilities•Landscape entrance with guard house•Exclusive village clubhouse•Swimming pools•Tree-lined walkways•Indoor-multi purpose court for basketball, volleyball & badminton games•Kite flying station•Tennis courts•mini soccer field•landscaped parks & playgrounds•Additional Developments - newly opened gasoline station with convenience store; St. John’s Institute Nursery School with Sports Stadium and the Ayala Techno Hub.
Approximately 88 hectares, including additional phases and mixed use developmentPhase #Saleable lotsAvailable LotsPhase 2A69 lots2 lotsPhase 2B51 lots0 lotsPhase 2C80 lots2 lotsPhase 395 lots19 lotsPhase 434lots22 lots