Do you believe that wealthy people gets wealthier, in moments like this, Question is what isit today? My answer is it’s a period of growth, from recession to high prosperity or we cansay it’s the economic uptrend. Our economy moves in a fairly predictable cycles, whichincludes prosperity and growth period, a slow down and a recession, a gradual increase inactivity, and then high prosperity again. We run in a cycle every seven to ten years.And now is the time to invest in realestate properties? Learning theeconomic cycles and adjustingstrategies accordingly, provide a majorsboost to a good investment plan. If youwant to become wealthy you need tolearn this…, INVEST IN REAL ESTATEESPECIALLY DURING GROWTH TO HIGHPROSPERITY!We learned that during recession richpeople get richer and that’s true. Whenthe economy hits a down-swing, mostpeople tighten their belts and prepareto ride out through the tough times bynot doing spending. But wealthy peoplehave the cash to take advantage of thebargains a recession offers. They buyup real estate and other assets to thelowest prices. And because they havemoney to start with, they can afford tohang on to those assets until themarket comes around, but that’s thecase for wealthy people, how aboutthose who just can afford to buy realestate properties just for a startinginvestment. My answer is it’s the same case for the wealthy, only that they can afford tobuy earlier during time of recession.During up trends cycle and the economies are good, banks are willing to lend more. It’seasier to borrow 80 to 95 percent of the property value. When times get tough, you’ll haveto search for even an 80 percent mortgage. On the surface that looks as if you need atremendous amounts of cash to take advantage of a recession. These are not necessarytrue. During lean times, more seller are willing to hold mortgages (that is let you make thepayments to them rather than the bank) because it’s the only way that they can get rid ofthe properties, especially ones that are run-down. And seller financing can be much moreflexible than a conventional bank loans will ever be. With seller financing, you don’t have topay points or other loan originating fees, there is rarely a credit check, and the closing canoccur much faster than a bank or a mortgage company. There’s also a profit by discountingthe mortgage later on. By understanding economic cycles and using creative ideas, we canconsistently gain wealth at this time…, that is buy-low, and sell high during economic uptrends.
When is the right time to invest in real estate properties?