Investing for the construction of commercial building for the purpose of leasing, sometimescreates unforeseen circumstance that turns out into headache for investors Especiallywhen the return of investment fails to reach the target rate they were aiming,.. the Returnof investment turns out to be too long., thus the building owner would only rely on theappreciation of the property for a longer period then sell it for significant gains to cover theinitial investment and interest, thus the building owner would depend on the localeconomic situation where thevalue of the property soonwould appreciates. But, whatif., a different scenario comeat play where the property isunder mortgage and the rateof return could not cover theloan interest rates, because ofthe property’s occupancy rateis too low to reach the idealcap-rate, thus the property isin peril of being foreclosed inthe long run, In this scenarioone of the main factor thebuilding owner should payattention before buying theland and building the structure is its location. It’s like a chess game where the playersmanoeuvre their pieces in the center, to increase the mobility and control more squares.The more squares they control the greater advantage they have, thus, “Controlling theCenter” is the main factor to get the advantage.The location of the property along the main commercial strip of the City Center or withinthe Central Business District played a significant rule of rental properties for potential gainsbecause of its visibility to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. And that applies AlfonsoPrinciples or the Bid-Rent Theory - The nearer the property to the central business district,the lessee or land user become more willingto pay the rent at the higher price. Therental rate using “One Percent Rule’ forleasing a property in a Central BusinessDistrict sometimes become too cheap for aprogressing city. Construction ofcommercial buildings were limited orcommercial spaces were scarce. Andtherefore new comprehensive urbanplanning should be ratified and impose. Toconvert or to reclassify to open more landsfor commercial development or maybeincrease height requirements to preservescarce productive and fertile agriculturallands. Take an example of the property Iwas engage a year ago by a public listedcompany for a valuation of a numerousrental properties around Negros Occidental. I found out that the value of commercial spacein a Poblacion in Municipality of Hinigaran with a Zonal Value of P2,500 per sqm is almosttwice that the rental rate in Bacolod City’s Central Business area with a zonal value ofP28,000 per sqm. Some of which rate values is almost equal to the price of a rental spacein a Mall, The features and the finishes are beyond comparable.Sorry for I haven’t divulge numerical values of the survey collected from the field andvaluation computed. I am a civil engineer, plumbing engineer, environmental planner, realestate broker and real estate consultant, our existence depends from the compensationswe received from our clients that requires our services and its not for free.Please visit our services page at: , for the list of our providedservices.